Vandana Shiva: Tomorrow’s Biodiversity “What is Biodiversity and Why is it so Important?”

“Humankind is one among millions of other species. It does not have a right to push other species to extinction, or to manipulate them for greed, profit, and power without concern for their well-being.” (p. 40)
I experience that the generation Y and Z are uncultivated, they born in to the technology world, and using their resources, in every day life. Generation after Y do not feel the importance of common knowledge since using a smart phone can give you all the answers you might need at the moment the need it. The problem with that they cannot think widely, outside the box. Not knowing facts can limit the mind to think creatively. On the other hand, they believe they can think globally and that they can reach everywhere because of the Internet. Therefore they stuck at the big picture not realizing that fact every movement and change, or idea start at the moment as small things. We need to stop, look around, and enjoy the moment. Appreciate the small things in life, and understand the power of time. Not knowing what we are capable of may limit our actions. I believe that without making someone’s life better, and creating something remarkable and which will remain legacy, you are wasting your time, and others resources.

“Species now become extinct at the rate of 27,000 per year – 1,000 times the natural rate – and human greed and desire for profit are the primary cause of most of these extinctions.”(p. 42)
Overpopulation as it self would not be a problem, the problems what it brings with it self. Which brings me to a macro issue in our global society, overconsumption and short of resources.  This two issues stands especially close to each other. Mahatma Gandhi a great hero who left some important legacy behind once said “There is enough in the world for everyone's need; there is not enough for everyone's greed.” I believe that earth has plenty to offer but if we do not respect and use the given resources wisely we may get to the end and it will be too late. All modern nation and cultures are using more then need it. In most case people cannot make a difference between want and need. Because not everything we can have we need. However all business and marketers are making us believe that we need what they selling and we cant live without it. This type of culture makes us over consume and trying to go against it is harder then ever. A report backed by 1,360 scientists from 95 countries states "Human activity is putting such a strain on the natural functions of Earth that the ability of the planet's ecosystems to sustain future generations can no longer be taken for granted”. We are running out of resources two-thirds of world's resources are used up. The top one natural resources which can not be replaced and we are consuming them daily is Water, fresh water which is only 2.5% of all the water we have available on earth and the fact that 70% of that is in ice form it is possible that water demand soon exceed supply. The top second natural is resource is oil. BP Statistical Review of World Energy in June 2010 shows that if our global production is remaining constant we can use all that oil by 2056.  The same goes for the top third, natural gas, it can be used up by 2068.

"The lesson from biodiversity is co-operation, not competition" (p. 44).

I was able to experience several cultures, I grown up in Hungary, I have been in most places in Europe, I visited Africa, Asia and I have been in the United States the past 3 years. Through these experiences I draw a conclusion that it can be a different culture or a nation the majority of the modern societies are unappreciative and hate one and other. The economic gap between even the lower middle class and higher middle class and above is huge internationally. In todays generation the one who has the economic power to be successful and make an impact are unappreciative and not carrying in most case. On the other hand the majority who works hard to make a living and in most case able to appreciate things, are the ones who put too much effort to blame and hate on the ones succeed. This kind of mentality is the reason we are having macro issues with this society. We need to stop being selfish, and need to work together for a better cause, to save our environment, and to ensure there will be a future for us a century later as well.