A Land Remembered


I have chosen to focus on the character Tobias MacIvey from the novel A Land Remembered by Pactrick Smith. Tobias is depicted as a loyal and hardworking man. His rags to riches story begins with his travel from Georgia to Florida with his wife Emma and infant son Zech in a oxen-pulled wagon. He carries the burden of providing for his family, surviving on rodents and sporadic work opportunities. His lucky stumble upon a cattle is pivotal to his future success with the assistance of Keith Tiger, a Seminole Indian, and Skillit, a black slave on the run.

Tobias is a man of the land. He pays respect for the land by only taking what is needed. This concept of “only taking what is needed” is an underlying theme within the novel. The character Sol stands on the opposite side of the spectrum; he lives an opulent lifestyle marked by greed instead of conscientiousness. 

Tobias’s character never exudes attachment to one particular place but the character is deeply intertwined with the outside environment. His dedication to his family, regardless of their location is constant. He is able to develop a greater sense of place with the development of his hammock property and remains connected to the land through his orange groves and cattle. He leaves his son Zech well provided for through cattle and orange groves. This legacy includes his success story, his fair character, and respect for the land.

I related to the characters drive for success. Moving to the United States was not an easy transition for me. My English upon arrival was limited and the instant immersion into the American school system meant I needed to focus a tremendous amount of energy into developing linguistically. The dedication, perseverance, and strength are ignited by the ultimate goal of success.